Why sharing memes is complicated?

Aditya Modekurti
3 min readMay 23, 2020


Memes. They are a source of entertainment, knowledge, and current affairs. I am not exaggerating when I say that memes are my primary source of information about the world. I have learned history, math, and science through them. ‘Share knowledge’, people said, but I say ‘Share memes!’. One might say, “Hey! That is not very tough. I see a meme, if I like it, I share it!”. No. No. No. It is not very simple. Sharing memes is a very intricate process and a lot of variables are involved in the decision-making process. So, read further to find out what happens inside my head when I think of sharing a meme.

I am very active on Instagram and Reddit which happens to be my major source for memes. So, the memes that I enjoy can be classified into the categories:

1. Science & Maths (The geek stuff)

2. History & Art

3. Politics & Current Affairs (Tread lightly)

4. Dark (VERY dark)

5. Fandom (TV Series & Movies)

6. Popular Culture and Lingo

So, let’s say I look at a meme on Instagram. I find it funny (*nose exhale*). Now, my followers have a lot of expectations on the memes I share, so I cannot lower their expectations. My meme quality has to go up a notch with every day. So, I carefully examine the meme and see if it’s worthy enough. Here’s what happens, firstly, the meme should be recent and not many of my followers should have seen it previously. Secondly, if I am sharing a dank/dark meme it should be below the accepted darkness levels. If it goes beyond the threshold, I would be branded as heartless. If the meme manages to pass all these ‘quality-checks’, it is ready to stay on my story for the next 24 hours.

Now, here comes another kind of memes. The memes related to math, science, or history. Those memes where one needs understanding and correlation of various popular meme templates to understand a single meme. These memes, in my opinion are not just memes. They are an opportunity to find like-minded people (vibe check bro!). It is like Tinder wherein if you manage to decode/understand the meme, you ‘match’ with the other person (only matches I’d find).

Next comes sharing memes with a friend. Now this is a whole new ball game where you need to play your memes right if you don’t want to get blocked by the other person. So how do you send memes to a new person? First, you share normie memes, the regular SFW (safe for work) memes one would find in your regular WhatsApp group chats. Then, you try to identify a unifying aspect between you two. It could be a TV series, a movie or a book. Slowly, if and when you realise that this person is not judgemental, you open the product of your hard work, your most precious meme stash. Again, you can’t just share any meme from the stash. You look for the ‘most normie’ meme and drop it. If they find it offensive/dark, it’s a red signal. Stop right there and compensate with a few normie memes (Apply cold water to burned area). If they find it funny, you have your green signal, send a few more and check the reaction. If they vibe, then congratulations, you have found a new meme buddy.

When you have a group of meme buddies who enjoy the genres of memes you do, you create a group. Be careful, for this group is not like your regular WhatsApp groups. It’s like being in a ‘cult’. You would find the highest quality of memes you have ever seen in your entire life. Entry into these groups is not an easy task. Your meme content is carefully observed and then a decision is made. Once you are into the ‘cult’, you cannot disappoint your fellow members. The standards should not drop. It’s like being a part of the Illuminati, it’s a well-guarded secret (maybe Mark knows). No one knows where you find the memes, no one dares to ask.

It would be really unfair if I write an entire article about memes and not add one.



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